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(1 edit) (+3)

Really awesome game! I love the style, theme and the gameplay >w<.

Few bug:
1) Sometimes the locked door unlocks but I still cant go to the next room.
2) Once my characters animations were all backwards after having a "fun time" >w<.

I really like this game and despite that first bug Its 100% worth to restart and play from the start ^w^. Cant wait for next update!

Oh and few questions:
1) Will it be possible to have lewd interaction with the "parasite/leach" creatures in the future? pwease >///<
2) Will it be possible to have lewd interaction with the one-shooting creatures when you are in red form and you manage to hit them before they kill you? :3


Why is it so difficult to collect white hearts? Especially after being transformed...


it depends on which form you've gotten after being transformed, if you gotten the Dark one, you'll kill everything quicker, if you have the red one you'll lock them into lewding, the added perks from ether transformation besides white intentionally forces you down a certain path, even with white transformation it can be tricky, since you can still kill the enemies who are waiting to be pacified~ 


Epic freaking game


aww thanks~  


I think this may be abandoned, sadly, like most other games by this author, however promising...


I have not abandoned this, I am putting a hold on updates to work on other my games published here. 

We need a collection pack of your games

when the next sale comes up! ill make it so~ 


Hello, dear author. I insanely liked the concept of this game, I hope you will continue to please us with content on this game, as will be your desire.

However, I want to report a bug that does not allow me to leave the room in which the rabbit suit in lewd root is issued. It's like the character can't see the door, also in this room there is a clock and a creature that says "if you wander around long enough...".

In general got me this problem 2 times in a row when trying to get to the lewd ending. I tried everything: and slaughter everyone around, and press the buttons on each half of the room. Anyway, thanks in advance for everything,

Version 1.4.

(1 edit) (+1)

too many game soft locking bugs. that causes you to loose all proggress

getting stuck after getting railed when you are near the egde of the room. (rooms a re small so its too common)

weird bug where the mc randomly stops recgonising imputs and starts swinging and spinning 

otherwised sexy sceans hot monsters good gameplay increadable graphics please add at the very least a restat room button or a unstuck button it could help a lot good job


some of those are old bugs, how long ago did you get the game and what’s the version number on the main screen? If old bugs are resurfacing then oh boi ‘o’

Will add the restart room option as that room lock bug is very common 

There is a bug, i simply can't go to the next location (the door is opened, but caracter can't go through it)


thanks for your comment, that bug is getting a lot of people 


Outside of a couple of rare bugs, the game is great. I wouldn't mind seeing these characters or creatures in a 3d horror survival game of some kind


aw thanks~ what was some of the rare bugs you encountered? If you can recall c: 


oh, I can recall them again, extremely rare. It only happened twice. After using specific tricks to unlock doors. Like using a holy knife with the lust tattoo to ensure getting a white heart (which also unlocks the door) after said "fun" was had. It wouldn't let me progress through the door. As if it was still locked with no enemies left. So twice I had to restart for 0 😅


Finally got the ending I wanted, fantastic game! I experienced zero bugs in my latest playthrough!

that's honestly so so relieving to hear! im glad you go to the end with no bugs~ glad you enjoyed the game c: 


Will there be possible bondage in this game?... of future games? heh. I enjoy your games!


As a bondage enjoyer myself, I second this notion~


as a bondage enjoying myself~ I’ll see how I can work it in the game~ eventually 


Omg bless you, Lavey, truly~ I can hardly wait to see what you come up with - same as usual for your games!


You're a saint and a hero. Let no one tell you differently!


This game is an absolute gem in the very niche department of monster on femboy porn. I sincerely hope to see it grow more and more. Good luck, magnificent dev.


I really like the game and the protagonist.  They have a nice ass.  Not even into femboys like that but I'm a fan of this.  Unsure of how to deal with certain monsters, and having issues with some doors losing their bars after defeating all the enemies but not being able to walk through it.


Appreciate your comment~ That issue is has been appearing often for others, been trying to fix it~ 

(1 edit) (+2)

A glitch where you get into a sex animation on a door transition and it crashes the game. 


thats a nasty bug!~ where you standing exactly on the door when entered a sex animation? 


Yes, I was grabbed while standing on the door transition. The frame the animation ended, I went through the door and it started again on the other side. The side animation and the sprites were frozen, and then a few seconds later the game crashed. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I see! I made a patch to fix that~ when standing exactly at the door, and entering into a lewd animation, the game will transition the player to the other room while In a lewd state, the game crashes because the enemy that’s lewding is no longer present in the same room, so the game just crashes. It shouldn’t Happen now.  


In the gallery, what is the most left character?

I can not find it


it should the very first enemy you encounter that can attack back, the pitch dark femboy with white teeth.


I played through the game a few more times and now it popped up in the gallery.

Can you do an android version?


softlock where none of the doors are usable, just a room full of harmless shadows, diagonal, not straight at the ends




Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I played your creation thoroughly and ended up enjoying it a lot, despite the bug-derived annoyances. I think it's a fantastic proof of concept with potential for such great artistically fulfilling cosmic horror! The kind that you already crafted is amazing. Hits all the right disturbing, off-putting notes, which makes the kinky stuff all that much more visceral in the way it appeals to primal, irrational, and intense sex. I thoroughly like the way you managed to make the darker horrors visually elegant and elaborate, and sexy! I seriously hope you'll expand on it, because I like your work and animation quite a bit, and out of all of them, I see quite a bit of an interesting niche for Adumbral and Crimson. For this reason, I hope you don't mind if I report a few bugs I found which no doubt you already know about, I simply would love to see this experience be smoothened out and not diminished by technical shortcomings. Though you may be busy with other things right about now, thank you for putting this out, on behalf of everyone who enjoyed it! 

(8 edits) (+3)

1) Character can be pushed past collision borders of objects and walls with enough force in 1.3. I know this is a work in progress, but it used to be an issue in other works of yours too. I can confirm that it can happen regardless of being naked or under any particular condition, it's just enough pushback that leaves you still inside a bed or a corner. This has most commonly happened with the big darker horrors with long claws.
2) When turning into an incubus, auto attacks that have a chance to "charm" horrors don't work on the leech boy. When the leech boy is knifed and becomes charmed by the random incubus charm chance rather than the heart infusion effect, having the character touch him will result in a split overview animation where the actual enemy remains separate. The encounter will not make the enemy disappear or yield a red heart. Due to this bug, the only way to deal with leech boys as an incubus is to effectively kill them or bless them.
3) I found the heart infusion effect to not work on enemies as consistently or at all anymore after obtaining the incubus transformation.
4) Considering the fact knife damage seems to get upped after a transformation (takes two hits instead of three to kill a humanoid dark horror), the random charm chance when knifing enemies as an incubus should perhaps be increased or guaranteed to make it relevant. Alternatively, the damage could remain the same for incubi.
5) My run ended as a transformed incubus because I died. When my character awoke in the usual room again, he was stuck in place and he couldn't move at all, effectively needing to end the game there.
6) This bug is probably the most annoying out of all the soft locks, and it happened to me twice very randomly: I got stuck knifing and turning around in place, perpetually, once while turning quickly to face a leech boy who was trapped in a corner and spamming spacebar to knife him, another when pressing spacebar a single time in front of the gate person who opens the passage for you if you bend over. It required me to end the entire game both times, and I made sure it wasn't some issue with my keyboard. I hypothesize it may have to do with pressing a directional key and spacebar at the same time, or something along those lines, but I can't know.

I haven't reached the incubus ending yet or any ending actually but these are all the bugs I found. I will play more to at least reach one ending, maybe all of them eventually, and if so, I hope I'll be able to report any bug I find because I'd personally like to see this thing reach its maximum potential someday. It would be quite the piece with more creatures and scenes featuring the darker horrors, like the analog horror angel.
I wish good things to you in your endeavors!


I was stuck (cant move, cant attack, character seemingly reset) thrice in the starting room now and had to restrart everytime after i died multiple times. that was very annoying and seemingly came up randomly after a death

(1 edit) (+1)

thats a bug alot of people are getting and im working hard to fix, sorry


question, when that stuck bug occurs, is the character naked? 


character is in fact naked but the model on the right is fully clothed either with the bunny or standard clothing

this needs a android version . . . pretty please

(1 edit) (+2)


One of the rooms has a soft lock where neither of the doors are usable.

It is a small square room with a door on the top left and bottom right. The room has a clock on the left plus sofa and wardrobe on the right. It's also got a npc (witch with their hair down)

I've had this softlock two times, one was straight away after dying and the other was entering the room whilst in dark heart form.

This game is really good Lavey, I love the art and sound design. I'm looking forward to what you make next :)


I had a similar softlock twice in a diagonal hallway with two bunny bois, entering from top right and exit at bottom left. And before the holiday I had it with at least one other room but I can't remember which one - the hallway one just struck me as odd because it happened twice. Queue Doofenshmirtz "two nickels" meme.

Oh, it also happened once in the spawn room after my first time dying after getting the lewd form. I remember that one just because of how odd and somewhat frustrating it was to get to the end, and then first death after doing so softlocked me.


thanks for your info! much appreciate it~


thank you for your descriptions! helps alot~

I notice that when you upgrade to red heart form and respawn sometimes if you attack you get stuck. You just keep spinning in a circle and continuously attacking and unable to move.


Also I absolutely love your art and games Lavey <3


does that happen when you strike certain enemies? if so which ones? 

Also thanks alot~ 

the 3 times it happened twice I hit space when i respawned after converting in the first room then one time it was randomly in one of the rooms

I see! thanks pointing that out! ill see what I can do about it~

question but can you recall which outfit your wearing when this happen? It might have something to do with that 


I think it was naked


Woah, this is fantastic. I wish I could share it but, yknow, cant be showin my friends this one HAHA. Great work and game design!

Any plans for steam?

I may just keep it to itch for now~ well see in the future


Ive gotten a bug that when i get hit by an enemy it'll sometimes get me stuck in the wall, happens when im against the wall and take a hit.


noted~ that collision has been giving everyone trouble 

Happened to me once but I was also right up next to the wall so I figured I just got unlucky with getting released from the lewd animation lol


is it supposed to be that if you fucked the enemy you can't leave the room?


no thats totally a bug, after fucking you should able to leave, what monster was it? describe it so I can jump on that bug


it was the white rabbits

Happened to me twice! In the one diagonal room that goes top right to bottom left with two bun bois.


Just played this. I really like the unique feel of it and slower pacing compared to the usual nsfw games that are actually games.

I deeply hope the small leech things get a scene too.


I found a bug. I got to the end of the but couldn't be remade. I had 9 white hearts 8 black ones and 7 red ones. I also had 4 teeth.

(2 edits) (+3)

I recently updated the build about hour ago, did you get the build from early today? if so, that one has the bugged Boiler room angel, The build updated moments ago should work. 

Nice You fixed it >:

(6 edits) (+1)

I love the game so far, and I'm still trying to find out how much I can actually play, but it seems a bit buggy right now. every time I start the game I have to die then retry to go through the section I assume is the "tutorial" and I got lodged into the wall a couple times after getting hit or a creature ripping my clothing. I think I got to the end where there is a boiler and a creature with a cloak of eyes and a flaming crown? but I couldnt do anything but restart the game after trying to either move out of the room or interact with them again. I cant wait for more of this, and I hope that this information helps! also it'd be pretty smart if that starting part of having to die was on purpose, I just dont know if it was.


im glad you made it that far! but also its unfortunate that you got a bug~ normally you suppose to talk with them and progress. I'm jumping on that right now 

(2 edits) (+1)

thats a very quick reply! thanks so much, I dont know why or how but it does keep happening. I haven't been able to make it to 20 hearts on anything because of it, I've been getting 15 in one of them but it feels like I have to die when I get 14 of something to make it easier to get a higher number. also there is a part where there is a key laying on the ground in one of the sections but you cant pick it up, its fine cause you can just go through the door and progress but I dont know what its doin there. when it comes to enemies my fav's are the worm sweater and the red eyed buns


I patched the issue, the Boil room angel was bugged, and several other things where not working, but I quickly patched it. thanks for your reply~

Those are also my fav monster bois c: 

thanks a lot! I'm diving right back into it!

(1 edit) (+2)

i finally got to 15 teeth and the little black ghost spawned into a fight room, unkillable so I couldnt progress through the door, after attacking him for long enough my character started walking in random directions on his own, truly a sad day, I didnt want to hit the lil guy either... weird stuff... I'ma try to get endings again later.


sucks you only take paypal..

So I had less time to mess around with the little update (I'm assuming a hotfix/patch of sorts, since there's no changelog or update post), but the main thing I noticed is that now instead of three scenes in the gallery I have two, and still can't unlock the others lol. Even deleted and reextracted from .zip (didn't touch files in AppData/Local for a true full reset yet) and still no difference.

I do have a suspicion as to what's going on though? I think for some reason, only the first scene I get in a run gets "saved" to the gallery. And since most of the time it ends up being either the door guy or the standard shadow things, those are the only two in the gallery for me. There was one time before the update where the first room was a hall with two of the rabbits in it, which I think is where I got that scene from in the previous version. I'll have to experiment a little bit and see if this hypothesis holds any water though. Either way I'm happy to see not only are you replying to and generally agreeing with community feedback, but within the first couple days you already made a hotfix update; that kind of attentiveness I just love to see from game devs, especially a solo one~

(1 edit) (+3)

aw~ thank you~  I want people who play my games to have the best experience it can offer, so I am actively tweaking to ensre that. , i'm doing my best to figure out the issues people have mention and doing what I can response as quickly. I am making the gallery my biggest priority since its the most bugged 

I should mention the last patch was to make death less punishing and just reduce items by half, besides zero.

You're very welcome~ Your care and effort is very much noticed and appreciated ^-^ And ooo, glad to hear! Should make it easier for me to try out the other "final forms" then lol

Deleted post

Are you gonna post new version on patreon too? or just in I recently be your Boy Cream! membership

also I love all of your game you create so far


I usually push updates on both places equally, patreon just has all the behind the scenes stuff and side art I do when I have free time 


That one dude who attacks when you are facing away is really annoying. For me it's just a guarantee that i'll die.

 I suck, and I mean that in several ways.


hes a pretty difficult enemy, I am gonna make him less annoying, 


Honnestly, the game is interesting, but the difficulty man... it's too high. Losing a game with more than 20 teeth because of an instakill ennemy is unfair. You should lower the required number or make lose less punishing (like losing half of what you had)


that's a really good suggestion, I'm gonna consider that when reducing the difficulty and making death less punishing, appreciate your input~


Beat the game, FINALLY, after much effort. Got the "Lust" ending even. And while I love the game so far, there are a few critiques/bugs I'd like to bring to light.

I'm not sure if it's just me, but my gallery is bugged. Only the first, and the last two scenes are available to view, despite lewding every lewdable enemy MANY times on my path to completion. I'm not sure why this is the case.

After unlocking the Succubus form by reaching the end the first time, I noticed that not only did many of my attacks not have the Cursed Heart effect (I assumed at least half of them would apply it), but some enemies bugged out when hit with it and successfully applying the effect. The "Worm-Arms" monster in particular would grant the scene, but with a duplicate of themselves, so you still basically have to fight them normally, just with occasional lewds in between.

The last big critique I have is just that not only do the "final forms" as it were not effect lewd scenes, but even the outfits don't seem to have any effect other than eye candy until they get removed by enemies that are trying to lewd you. I know it's intended to be this way, at least for now, but I'd kind of like if in a future update the outfits and forms could be implemented into variant versions of the scenes, maybe with a little "Swap Form/Outfit" button in the gallery to cycle through them. 

Other than that, this is a lovely little game, probably the best blend between eldritch horror and a typical H-game for my personal preference! I'd love to see further scenes added for some of the non-lewdable enemies, and further enemies and even outfits to boot somewhere down the road! Your femboy characters and animations have been my favorite for a while now, so any and all new content is a bonus for me! Cheers!~ ^-^


finished without cheating? GG to you, I didn't have the courage. I have the same gallery bug, and otherwise I don't agree. the form have an impact on gameplay:

the gothic form gives a damage buff,

the incubus form gives an aphrodisiac effect to your attack

the last form is bugged or non-existent on my side


I should clarify that the final forms do give extra buffs~ 

Darker form: more damage

Incubus: 50% chance of aphrodisiac effect and slightly more damage,

angelic: 100% chance of pacifying effect.

I should note the pacifying effect is slow to react at the moment, and less obvious when you use it, the holy water bottle has this effect, it takes roughly 30 seconds for it effect. but it can stop insta-kill enemies


Technically I cheated, but the only "cheat" I did was ensuring I had enough red hearts and then teeth; other than that, actual gameplay was all me. I only tried the succubus form so far, and the aphrodisiac effect wasn't super consistent, and as stated it bugged out at least one enemy type so that they were still there even after lewding. But As Lavey replied, the aphrodisiac effect isn't meant to be 100% anyways, only 50% of the time - which I guessed correctly, so I can only assume I was getting very unlucky with the RNG of that effect applying on my attacks lol. I never said it was the forms that didn't impact gameplay, btw: I said the outfits, like the bunny and croptop with bikini ones. They're just eye candy for the character window, and even then, if you're trying to lewd enemies, they rip them off anyhow, so they aren't visible in the scenes. I like how they look so it just seemed kind of strange to me that not only do they provide no effects other than delaying lewds, but they don't even get to make an appearance in the lewds. I'd just love to see the effort that went into making their art see some more "utility" is all, at least in the lewds ;3


I appreciate you playing till reaching the end! and the wonderful feed back critique~ 

I will comment that I did have more intended for the final forms, and outfits, I wanted the outfits to be present during the lewds, but became more work then I could do before my target deadline. however its something I am implement soon! 

The final form will effect the lewds too! (eventually)

and its a no brainer that I want to add more enemies and make the none lewdable ones lewdable), I'm passionate about this project and will push more content, first I got bugs to fix ofc~ thanks

Thank you! I love your games, so when I saw a new one was posted I just had to try it~

Glad to hear that you plan to implement the final forms and outfits into the lewds in the future! I figured that with the work that went into the art, you were going to expand upon it further eventually. I recognized that you probably hit a deadline or perhaps an issue with the coding or something as far as having that in the first version.

I'm also glad to hear that you plan to add more enemies and scenes - great minds think alike and all ;3 Considering there were only the two real bugs I've encountered thus far, I think you did a good job ironing out what you could before initial release! ^-^ I'm looking forward to new content from you, in any form, but I do know you make these games by yourself so I know patience and understanding is key on my end lol. Cheers!~


too difficult. we take no pleasure in playing to die a hundred times...


so, I don't know if we should consider this a bug, but I DIED ONE ROOM AFTER THE "RESPAWN"... nice random generation, it gives you unkillable mobs that kill you in one hit, just after the spawn . AH and the R button which reboots the game, PLEASE let me know next time...

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

so I have a cheat, otherwise I would NEVER have been able to see the end of the game. explanation:

After 20 rooms (approximately) you meet a goddess in a boiler room. then, it will reshape you based on the number of hearts you have, including

- “heartless ghotic” (damage buff)

- "incubus" (aphrodisiac damage)

-"bug for white hearts" (your appearance will be taken from the other two hearts)

to see the end of the game, you will need MORE THAN 20 teeth (I gave myself 50 because when you die, you lose everything except your form. UNLESS you turn off the game, then everything is lost)

know that being remodeled does not change the scenery or animations (except the basic one), and that my gallery is broken.

if you want "cheat" I recommend "cheat engine" with documentation to use it on a "game maker" game BE CAREFUL, even like that the game remains extremely complicated because of the one-shoot mobs, and bugs in collision.


will look to make the game more accessible~ thank you


would it be possible to have an android version of this ?
would be highly interested then
and counts to all other projects of you aswell


Just from reading the description it seems like an awesome game and I'm feeling some undertale vibes coming from it


I agree. But the Undertale vibes are way off.


I don't think they are far off take the things from undertale on the things from this game and put them together see what matches might not be many but there are some


I see literally no connections other than the pixel style and the black and white color scheme.

And those are hardly Undertale staples.

What exactly are the similarities you see?


hot monsters




some examples that I see similar to undertale from the description

Traverse through a nightmare like realm similar to undertale 

You play as a silent effeminate Protagonist, seemingly dropped into this world, now you must survive and find a path out similar to undertale

one primary weapon similar to undertal


After playing the game I have deduced that it’s nothing like Undertale.

But I see your points and it was nice conversing with you :thumbs_up:

Also I would definitely recommend the game it’s good.

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