Nekomancer - "Ho0ter update"

Lavey here~ 

Please to announce an update for Nekomancer, The Ho0ter update!

Essentially I've added a Femboy ho0ters mini game, where you dash and deliver drinks to customers while wearing a skimpy outfit, (even thou your outfit is already skimpy) 

- your goal is to simply deliver drinks, gain as many tips as you can within the time limit!

- While delivering drinks there is a chance for getting Tips,  and a chance of randomly getting your butt slapped, with additional tip for it~

- Customers will get frisky with each drink received, and want to do more, the reward is bigger tips if you allow it

- If this happens too many times your horny meter will be maxed out, which will prompt you to c00m yourself! 

The Mini game is accessible in a new location within the Town, The Gates to the town are now open, but the town itself is only limited to one main room. (mostly because no other content in the rest of the town) from here you can find the Bar, going into the Bar you'll find some NPCs to chat with. and Melanie, a pink haired Femboy bar maid who'll introduce himself and talk about the bar, and offer you a small position! after the conversation ends, talk to him again and he'll ask if you wanna start~ and away you go!

This portion includes 4 semi animated lewd loops,

- Butt slap loop

- Bulge rub loop

- Ass squeeze loop

- Cumming in pants loop

The mini game is mostly for some fun, and a way to grind for coins, which is now a thing in the game, which obviously will be used later in a store, but for the moment have no other purpose. 

More stuff will be added to the Town with each new build, and more of the town will be accessible. 

thats all for now~

keep an eye out for new updates


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May 07, 2023

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Did this game  die?


naw~ still working on it. its just been forever since I updated, I got a bunch of things to push , hoping in a week or 2 it'll be ready 


One month ago...


what can I say, i'm just one dev doing all the art and coding, if you want visible progress, check my twitter

How's progress Lavey? Can't wait to see what you're doing with this game! It's been a while since your last progress report :c. Happy new year!

The game is really well made but is a little difficult. Is it possible to make a guide for players like me who aren't very bright?


Just wanted to comment and show my support. Really appreciate the effort it takes to make a game all by yourself. Glad to hear you're still working on it, even if it's slow going. Keep up the effort; I assure you it's not going unnoticed ^-^


you still on this? or is the game forgotten


still on this. Just slow on progress since I am totally alone on this. 


cant wait for the new halloween  game!!!!

good to know thanks

Lavey, thank you for all your work and may great success follow in your wake!

A question... you do not use Unity in this game right?


aw~ I  appreciate that~ thank you so much c:

I don't use unity, this project was entirely game maker studio

I was gonna learn unity year ago. not sure I will now

Well, it might indeed be best not to at this juncture, sadly... Greed has consumed them whole, no matter how good the product might be (and it is, though lacking true updates/growth since '20 at least)

Very relieved they cannot steal from you! Going to buy this when I get some $$$ I'm owed this week so I can enjoy (fingers crossed :3)

(1 edit)

A quick question: if I buy Nekomancer right now at its full price, will I get a Steam key when it comes out later or no? I got the $$$ now, so that's the only thing left to ask about.


I want to make so that you should be able to have the game on steam if you bought it here. I’m working to make that isso. But at this very moment, it stands that you won’t get a steam key if you buy the game here unfortunately.

I see :/ Thank you for the clear answer anyway <3

Should I wait until the Steam release then or just buy it now, reply with a pic of the invoice/confirmation so that I can get a key later or something? Because since I have the money finally, I'd like to support you before some unexpected expense deprives me of it XD

Whatever you recommend I'll gladly do, and again, thank you for making this awesome game <3

Update: Just bought it anyway, I just can't not have it XD

Thank you again for making it <3

I am a litte bit confused. i recently downloaded the last version with the Hooters Bar but i cant see all the other stuff. I cant see the full village and if i defeat the Boss who is flying around and spawning those Needle bushes then the Game says Thanks for playing. I cant find any other location and i dont know why. Please help.


the rest of the village is inaccessible at the moment, as I am currenting working on the content to fill it.

But in the Pictures to the different updates, you can see some Places like a different part of town, or the throne room i think it was. Or the character with the "milking" interaction. Are these just not viable? Because it seems all the others discovered these things


those locations are in the game right now, but I’ve blocked access to them as they have no made content surround them, I am still developing those locations and their content, it wouldn’t make sense to have access to those locations if there isn’t anything there to do.

If your talking “milking” the only thing that comes to mind is the bar, where if you speak to an NPC you can start the hooters mini game which has milking 


I should also mention that an early version of the game had a bug in it, where players where able to access the other incomplete levels and rooms, at this current build, where ever you’ve been able to go, is the only accessible and playable areas, anywhere else is bugged,

Ah ok i understand. I was then just confused by the pictures of the old updates and thought i missed something. By "milking" i meant hte little boy infront of a house. 

Thats what i meant.

But thank you for your answer and im looking forward to the next updates ;)

Hey, it's been around 3 months since any word on the game, are you still working on it? I sincerely hope so, cause I love this game so much. 


I’m slowly but surely still working on this~ other priorities pulled me away for the moment, but I have plans for update soon 

Thank you! For once I get some good news. Haha. 

Glad to hear! I've been periodically checking in on this game for years, cant wait to see whats added next.

Hey i wanted to ask when do you expect the game to come to steam and if i buy it here do i get a steam key?


One question, if I buy the game here I don't have to pay for future updates?




pay once, get all the updates forever 

Hey Lavey, does that include the steam release?

hey i bought nekomancer and can't get it to run does it work on widows 10 ?