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Nekomancer - "Slug's Den" update
June 25, 2024
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Please to finally get this out~ its been a long wait, like a year... A new Nekomancer update! Featuring a whole new Dungeon level, with new enemies, new puzzles, power ups, and Boss fight~ The game an...
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Nekomancer - Progress on update
June 06, 2024
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Wanted to share some progress~ The new dungeon is coming along nicely, which is a deep Cave level, riddled several creepy crawlers~ all the core elements have been made and being placed and tested, th...
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Nekomancer - Progress and stuff
March 22, 2024
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Hey lovelies, its been a while since I mentioned anything about my progress, I apologize about that, I frequently make smaller posts on my twitter page about Nekomancer and my other games. if you wann...
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Nekomancer - "Ho0ter update"
May 07, 2023
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Lavey here~ Please to announce an update for Nekomancer, The Ho0ter update! Essentially I've added a Femboy ho0ters mini game, where you dash and deliver drinks to customers while wearing a skimpy out...
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Nekomancer - Progress
January 16, 2023
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Lavey here~ Its been a while since I gave any updates on the project so I'm gonna get right to it~ I am still working on this game, and despite the months of no updates, I've had Nekomancer in my mind...
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Nekomancer - village progress and postprocessing
September 27, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Hey every one, Lav here to bring some update on my current progress. I can happily say that village layout finished, all structures are laid out and rooms to each major location is finished~ that bein...
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Nekomancer - progress on village
September 13, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
after a few weeks of work, the village is coming along nicely~ still lots of work to do but I am tucking along just fine. keep you posted on further updates!...
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Nekomancer - Village WIPs
August 30, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
wanted to show off my current progress on the village building, getting pretty close to finishing all of the structures, next will be some small village details ect~ progress is coming along nicely...
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Nekomancer - WIPS and stuff
August 18, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Lavey here~ wanted to share my progress on the game. My focus for a little while will be the total construction of the village, I want to focus all my efforts on fleshing it out, its obviously gonna b...
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Nekomancer - small update ( hotfix)( new mini boss )
July 31, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
sorry about that~ I accidently left some debugging functions active, pressing enter would have allowed you to start the recently added mini boss battle, but also breaking the entire game. I patched th...
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Nekomancer - small update ( new mini boss )
July 31, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
It took much longer then I estimated to push this, but I finally finished my small update. I added a mini boss battle, with the box femboy, his a tricky little bean and just wants to make you his. wit...
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Nekomancer small updates (small delay)
July 21, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
letting you all know that the small update that I was suppose to push last week has been push further back~(really sorry about that) last weekend family stuff came up again. I made sure that I wont ha...
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Nekomancer - update, small build later this week
July 11, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
hello every one, it’s been a while since I gave any updates, the reason being was: I took a much needed vacation, too suddenly without time to prepare stuff to dish out in the mean time, I’m sorry...
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Nekomancer - UI updates and more~
June 07, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Hey, everyone! Lavey here! happy to give a new update to the game~ As you may have noticed, I've not released a new build for a short while. Here's what's been going on. We recently added a new progra...
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Nekomancer - "hotfix" combat rework demo
May 15, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Last moment hot fixes to the latest build to some issues that have been mentioned in the comments. - in ( Neko_newsystem_4.5 ) some of the demo limits where accidently enabled in the latest build, suc...
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Nekomancer - combat rework demo
May 13, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Hello everyone~ please to present some new updates for the game! As mentioned in my last dev log, I wanted to rework the combat system, as I felt it was lacking and not as engaging. you where only abl...
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Nekomancer - Catboi can Roll
May 03, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
I'm please to bring several small updates to the game~ Catboi can roll~ Avery can now dodge roll in any direction his facing, The roll is to add better mobility since I felt Avery was limited in his m...
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Nekomancer - Gallery and Save system added
April 19, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Please to finally release this build, it has the much needed Gallery system and the Save system, so you can now save your progress, and view the l3wd portrait animations within the gallery! when ever...
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Nekomancer updates! - New test build
April 05, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
After several months of hard work, I finally have a new build expanded build to show! lots of new features and small changes to the game! Over the next few days I will be updating this build, for smal...
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Nekomancer updates!
March 20, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Nekomancer updates! I wanted to show case some of the level art, so to give a better idea on what's to expect in game! keeping this short and sweet~ Mid month April there will be a new update, featuri...
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Nekomancer small updates!
January 27, 2022
Lavey_otokonoko - games
a small update! added some dungeon puzzles! bug fixes and some polish too. rebinding of some keys for ease of access just wanted let you all know im still chipping away at this. next update will have...
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Nekomancer updates! - New Level
December 24, 2021
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Please to announce some updates for the game! -There is now a first semi small dungeon level. -Traps, switches and obstacles -In game cut scenes with dialogue between characters -introducing some main...
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Nekomancer updates!
October 08, 2021
Lavey_otokonoko - games
Frist I wanna thank everyone for supporting me and those working on our lovely game. I couldn't thank you all enough~ I wanted to share to progress I've made since the last few versions, as I have mad...
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